Clinton Rosette Middle School
Seek Help before Harm: Share what you can to help prevent bullying, suicides, school violence or other threats to you, your friends or others you may know. You can call 1-844-4-SAFEIL, Text 72332 (Safe2) or It is free and confidential.
Happenings this week/Future Information
Click here for the Breakfast and Lunch Menus
This Weeks Happenings (2/3/25 through 2/7/25)
2/3/25 Monday:
Student Council 2:45pm-3:35pm
Gamers Guild 2:45pm-3:35pm
C.H.I.C.A.S. 2:45pm-3:35pm
Girls Basketball vs Huntley - 7th grade home and 8th grade away - 4:00pm
2/4/25 Tuesday:
Chess club 2:45pm-3:35pm
CANCELLED: Science club 2:45pm-3:35pm
Study Club 2:45pm-3:35pm
Bilingual Tutoring 2:45pm-3:35pm
Girls Basketball vs Belvidere South - 7th grade home and 8th grade away - 4:00pm
Scholastic Bowl vs Belvidere South - home - 4:00pm
2/5/25 Wednesday:
ALL after school activities will be cancelled at CRMS due to weather safety.
CANCELLED: Study Club 2:45pm-3:35pm
CANCELLED: Art Club 2:45pm-3:35pm
2/6/25 Thursday:
NEW SESSIONS - Intramurals 2:45pm-3:35pm (Basketball session)
Dungeons and Dragons 2:45pm-3:35pm
Study Club 2:45pm-3:35pm
Bilingual Tutoring 2:45pm-3:35pm
Girls Basketball vs Rochelle - 7th grade away and 8th grade home - 4:00pm
Scholastic Bowl vs Rochelle - away - 4:00pm
Wrestling vs Harvard - away - 4:30pm
2/7/25 Friday:
8th graders to DHS for the elective fair - 9:00-10:30am
Early Release Hours 7:45 - 11:00 a.m.
Important Reminders
Please remember that school will be closed Monday February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Opportunity DeKalb
Opportunity DeKalb is a nonprofit dedicated to community development, working in partnership with others to advance the revitalization objectives outlined in the Annie Glidden North (AGN) Revitalization Plan. To support these goals, Opportunity DeKalb aims to collaborate with our middle and high schools to offer students a chance to engage in entrepreneurial workshops led by the staff of NIU's College of Business. Attached are the final details for the events.
Girls Basketball
Any 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls interested in participating are welcome to come to Open gym! OPEN GYM for girls basketball will be held today Monday 12/16, Tuesday 12/17 and Wednesday 12/18 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. Try-outs will be on Thursday 12/19/24 from 2:45-4:00 pm. You must be registered on 8to18 and a sports physical must be turned in before try-outs on Thursday 12/19/24. Please get registered here and get those sports physicals turned in.
Registration is now open to join the 9-time and reigning State Champion Wrestling Team. Open mat started on 10/28 and the season will start on 11/25. This sport is open for all grades in both Middle Schools. Please get registered and get those sports physicals turned in.
Scholastic Bowl
Attention all CRMS STUDENTS…….IT’S TIME TO SIGN UP FOR Scholastic Bowl!
Pick up an info sheet outside the main office. Practices will begin January 15,16, 21 and 22 ; the season ends Feb. 27. questions? Just e-mail Coach Beverley at [email protected] or ask a Scholastic Bowl member.
REMINDER: If students are attending any CRMS sporting events, students are welcome to attend as long as they are accompanied by a parent/guardian and they must be supervised at all times by that parent/guardian.
School Portrait Information
To View & Order Your Child's Photo from Picture Day: You’ll receive an email when your images are ready to view online. Or, you can search for them at shortly after photos are taken. Most images are available within 48 hours. If you need further assistance, contact VIP at [email protected].
Any absence that is not called in by a parent or guardian is unexcused. Unexcused absences add up and are counted towards truancy. Parents or Guardians must call the office at 815-754-2226 if your student will be out of school for any reason. If school is missed because of a doctor’s appointment, please be sure to turn in the doctor’s note to the attendance office.
Health Office
Parents, if your student has a fever or is vomiting or has diarrhea, they must be fever and vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. If you have any questions you can contact us by phone at 815-754-2337 or email us at [email protected].
Dental Exams at Clinton Rosette on 3/19/25 The ALL KIDS SCHOOL-BASED DENTAL PROGRAM will be coming to CRMS this spring with a tentative date of 3/19/25. This program is through Greater Family Health, and if you would like more information, please visit the website at To have an exam for your student on this date, please complete the attached Dental Exam Consent Form.The School Code of Illinois requires dental examinations for all children in 6th grade. Dental examinations must be completed by a licensed dentist and documented on the official dental examination form and presented to the health office prior to May 15th, 2025. This dental clinic would fulfill that requirement, but is also open to students of all grades at CRMS.***If your 6th grader had a dental exam after 11/15/2023, please provide the dental exam to the health office. It can be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to (815) 758-1098.If you have any questions, please call the health office at (815) 754-2337
CRMS will be starting hearing and vision screenings on 12/18/24 with rescreenings being completed in January. If your student is not screened on that date, they will be screened at a later date. If your child does not pass their screening, a referral letter will be sent home. Please see the paragraph below regarding details on screenings. This information is also listed in the student handbook.Students will be screened according to state mandated vision and hearing laws and the results will be shared with school personnel. Hearing screenings will be for all students in grades Pre-K, kindergarten, first and second. Vision screenings will be for students in Pre-K, kindergarten, second & 8th grades. Additionally, any students in special education, new to district, teacher referrals, and with known vision or hearing concerns will be screened.Parents/guardians should notify the school if consent of screening is denied.Vision screening is NOT a substitute for a complete eye examination and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your student is not required to undergo this vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form, indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months.
Tardies and ID Standards
Tardy detentions are continuing for the school year. Once a student reaches 5 tardies a discipline referral will be written up by each teacher. The Student Services Team will discuss the results of the discipline referral consequences with each student. Consequences include lunch and after school detentions for the previous weeks’ tardies.
Following ID procedures are mandatory, failure to do so will result in directions to go to the office for a new ID/lanyard. EACH printed ID and lanyard given will be charged on the students skyward account.
To update a new phone number or new email please call the office at 815-754-2226 to update this information. Please check your email, phone numbers, and emergency contacts in SKYWARD to be sure that they are correct. It is very important for the school to be able to reach parents or guardians if students are sick or in an emergency. Please call the office to update this information. Thank you!
MTSS Message:
Please keep your phones in your locker during classes. Follow this expectation to earn points that you can redeem later for prizes!
Counselors Message:
The Counseling Office is offering groups through Family Service Agency again this year. The group topics are managing emotions, overcoming obstacles, empowerment, body image, safe dates, and LGBT+ support. If you are interested in finding out more information or signing up, please see your Counselor.
House Challenge:
Congratulations to Navy Blue House Valiente for winning the first House Challenge. Work with your House on your bulletin board during lunch or recess. You will be judged on your creativity and House spirit. Don't forget to include your House NAME, mascot, and your quote.
2025 Washington DC Trip
Attention CURRENT 7th Grade Students and Families! 8th Grade Washington DC Trip Informational Meeting was Tuesday, November 12th at 6:30 pm in the Clinton Rosette Middle School Cafeteria and Thursday, November 14th at 6:30 pm in the Huntley Middle School Cafeteria. You only need to attend one meeting and you can attend either meeting, regardless of which middle school you attend. In case you missed the meetings or you have any questions, please contact Jenni Smith at [email protected].
If you are interested in joining clubs this year the permission slip forms can be found on the rack outside the main office CLICK HERE FOR CLUB SCHEDULE.
Art Club -If you are interested in creating art and would like to work on bigger art projects then consider joining the Art Club. It will start on January 15th. Art club has been cancelled 1/15/25. Art club will meet next Wednesday on January 22nd.You must have a permission slip in order to join. It will be open for the first 30 students who turn in their permission slip. Please see Mr. Near in Room 112 if you have any questions.
UPDATE: Bilingual Tutoring - has new permission slips that need to be signed by parent/guardian in order to stay after school starting December 3rd. The new permission slip must be signed in order to stay.
Stage Crew - Do you want to be part of the musical behind the scenes? Do you have an interest in set design, lighting, or sound? Then fill out an application form for Stage Crew using the QR code on flyers posted around the building or click here. Applications are due Friday, December 13th. See Mr. King or email Mr. Boland for additional information.
Science Club - The first meeting was on Oct.29. Permission slips are in the rack by the main office. We look forward to seeing you every Tuesday after school.
Green Clubs meets the last Thursday of every month. If you would like to participate, please turn in your updated permission slips. Next meetings will be on Thursday January 30th, February 27th, April 24th, May 15th.
Dungeons & Dragons Club first meeting was on Thursday, Oct. 3. D&D Club will meet on Thursdays from 2:45- 3:45 pm in room 213 (Ms. Rissman’s room.) If you would like to participate, please turn in your updated permission slips.
Any students interested in Student Council please attend our after school club on Mondays from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm in room 215. A parent permission form must be filled out and turned into the office in order to stay.
Hey CHICAS! We are excited to announce that we are starting back up this year. Our first meeting took place on Monday, Sept. 23 in room 118. Permission forms are available outside the office and we kindly ask that they be signed and submitted to stay after school. We look forward to seeing you every other Monday. CHICAS will be meeting again on February 10th.
Intramurals: Any 6th or 7th grader interested in joining Intramurals this session; schedules will be available today in the racks outside the office. Our first meeting was Thursday, Sept. 5. and session one wrapped up on Oct.3. Session two will start Thursday February 6, 2025 - NEW SESSIONS are now available! Schedules will be on the rack outside the main office. Intramurals will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays (session 2 iss Thursdays ONLY until further notice) from 2:45- 3:45. A parent permission form must be filled out and turned into the office in order to stay. Any questions ask Ms Bomar or the office.
Gamers Guild will meet on Mondays in room 224 (Ms. Lintereur’s room.) The first meeting was Monday 9/16. A parent permission form must be filled out and turned into the office in order to stay.
Chess club will meet on Tuesdays from 2:45- 3:45 pm. First meeting was Tuesday, Sept. 10. A parent permission form must be filled out and turned into the office in order to stay.
Study Club will meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:35- 3:45 pm. A parent permission form must be filled out and turned into the office in order to stay.
Builders Club Builders Club is recruiting members and has been cancelled until further notice. Builders Club members will be working on different service activities that may include school beautification, Tails Collections, canned food drives, and choosing many other service projects they may be interested in doing throughout the school year. Builders Club will meet every other Thursdays from 2:45- 3:45 pm in room 214 (Mrs. Urich's room.) A parent permission form must be filled out and turned into the office in order to stay.
TELOS started on Monday, Sept. 23. If you would like to participate, please turn in updated permission slips to Mr. Gomes. We look forward to seeing you every other Monday. November 4th meeting was cancelled. Next meeting will be on December 9th. TELOS has been rescheduled for 1/27/25.
Manners Do Matter: Please do NOT keep food in your locker. Please throw it away at the end of the day.
Hats, Hoods, Coats, and Blankets are NOT allowed in the classrooms or lunch room. Please keep them in a safe place like your backpack or your locker. DRESS CODE Reminder: midriff shirts and volleyball shorts are NOT school appropriate.
Bus Reminders: Appropriate behavior is expected on the bus going to and from school. Expectations for the bus include: Keeping hands and feet to yourself. No food or drinks. Stay seated. Keep aisles clear (feet and hands in seat area not in aisles) Get on and off at your assigned stop.
Seek Help before Harm: Share what you can to help prevent bullying, suicides, school violence or other threats to you, your friends or others you may know. You can call 1-844-4-SAFEIL, Text 72332 (Safe2) or It is free and confidential.